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Espero que te lo arregle el seguro, vaya faena con el tunel
Seguro que encontrarian la manera de soldar las barras Cuenta el balance de pesos: -asientos de serie+cinturones -> baquets+cinturones -moqueta -> capa de pintura -aire acondicionado (compresor, tubos, valvula, radiador) -> nada y seguro que me dejo algo
Ni X-gauge ni porras
topic ha respondido a foraster en expertdecisions Electrónica, electricidad y audio
Gracias por la info -
Ni X-gauge ni porras
topic ha respondido a foraster en expertdecisions Electrónica, electricidad y audio
expertdecisions, qué otros usos tiene el CLKdevices? Hay algún software para acceder a códigos de error y resetearlos? O es preferible usar un terminal específico para esto: Saludos -
davichini siempre puedes probar a arrancar con la batería de otro coche y unos cables de arranque, así sales antes de dudas, o si tu seguro tiene asistencia en carretera también te lo arrancaran así
expert, hemos posteado a la vez Vamos que compras (o consigues) la app para tu iphone/tablet/ipad y a leer foros con una interface unificada y cómoda
Os pego la faq de esta app: http://www.tapatalk.com/faq.php Q: What is Tapatalk? A: Tapatalk is a mobile app built specifically for forum access. Different from mobile skin or mobile version that comes with the forum system, Tapatalk allows user to have a unified interface to access multiple forums at the same time. With million of Tapatalk users, your forum can be discovered by potential new members thru Tapatalk Network and our ranking and recommendation system. Q: Will I lose revenue from my current web properties? A: Tapatalk app is an optional service to your members - it drives more engagement and participation to your forum. While you may lose some pageviews up-front, in a long run you will have a more engaging forum as people are free to post new content on-the-go. Though we also have Link Affiliation (Powered by VigLink) and Donation (Mobile Payment) integration to help you earn extra revenue. Q: How much does it cost? A: As a forum owner you are free to activate Tapatalk in your forum, and you are free to remove/deactivate it anytime you want to. Q: Which forum system does it currently support? A: Currently phpBB3 3.x, vBulletin 3.6 to 4.x, xenForo, IPBoard 3.x, SMF 1.1.11+/2.x, MyBB 1.4/1.6, bbPress 1.1/2.0 and Kunena 1.6+ are supported. Other forum system might also support Tapatalk with plugins developed by third party developers using Tapatalk API. Q: How do I activate Tapatalk on my forum? A: Activation is free of charge. Login to Forum Owner Area to download the Tapatalk Plugin and get started. Q: I have activated Tapatalk, how do I let my members know of this option? A: You can try copy and paste our promotion materials to your forum as an announcement. Q: Why a pop-up is shown in my mobile browser? A: After you installed Tapatalk, a one-time alert will be shown to mobile web users to notify the Tapatalk option. While you are free to remove it during installation, it is important for us so to keep this service sustainable and free of charge to forum owners. Q: I have multiple forums, Can I activate more than one forum? A: Yes, you can and additional forums are free also. Q: What's the point of this app if my members can access my site with mobile skin at no cost? A: Most users are content with the mobile skin or a standard web browser but some of them would appreciate a full-on native app forum experience on their phone. For example Tapatalk app allows user to upload photo directly from their phone to your forum as an image attachment. All these will drive more engagement to your forum at no cost to you. Q: How does the Tapatalk Plug-in work with my forum system security? A: The Plugin is designed to inherit all security policies from your forum system. For example, if a specific sub-forum is a restricted access, the Tapatalk iPhone client would not be able to access it unless the logging member has the authority to access it. Q: Is this service compatible with all other third party modifications that I have installed on my forum system? A: While we don't guarantee the Tapatalk Plugin will work with all your existing modification. We have tested with many forums with certain degree of modifications and majority of them work well with Tapatalk. Support for modified forums are courtesy basis only and we will not provide refund or any trouble-shooting if it is found that your modification caused the Tapatalk from working as designed. Q: Do you do rebranding / private white label for my forum? A: Yes, please visit our rebranding page for more information Q: I already have my own app developed, can I add Tapatalk into my app? A: Yes, please visit our rebranding page for more information as we provide branding as an Engine. Q: My organization also developed a forum system, how I can make it compatible with the Tapatalk app so our customers / members would be able to use the same app to access? A: You can access our Tapatalk API with full documentation on how to bridge your forum system with Tapatalk app support. For App Users Q: Do I need to pay multiple times for multiple forums access? A: Only one purchase per device is needed to access the growing list of forums that have Tapatalk activated. Q: Can I transfer my license from iOS to Android or vice-versa? A: Unfortunately we do not provide a way to transfer license over different mobile platform. However if you have replace your device under the same platform as your previous device (e.g. upgrading from iPhone 3GS to iPhone 4), you can simply "repurchase" it from App Store and you won't be charged again, same for Android Market. Q: I have changed my Google account, can you transfer my license from my old account to the new account? A: Yes please email us both old and new order number, we will refund the old license purchase to you. Q: I have reset my phone or bought a new phone, how do I re-download Tapatalk? A: As long as you login to the same Google or Apple account, you can simply repurchase it from Android Market or App Store, you won't be charged again. Q: My Tapatalk app keep crashing, what should I do? A: Try reinstall it by deleting it from your device and re-purchase it from the Market or App Store. If it still doesn't work, feel free to email us at admin@tapatalk.com
Ya no es lo que pese la web, es optimizar el volumen de datos a transmitir/recibir, el formato en pantalla, así como la comodidad de ver si en temas participados hay nuevas respuestas sin necesidad de marcar subscripcción. Lo dicho tapatalk es muy cómodo para dispositivos portátiles.
Muy guapo el video, se ve pasar un seven (0:35)
amén (peaso offtopic nos estamos marcando)
Bien pudiera ser. Verifica tensión de la batería con el voltímetro. Si está a menos de 12V, batería descargada.
Como se te ocurre aparcar detrás de un Plana????
Estaría muy bien poder entrar con el Tapatalk
La salida en el cristal lateral es para recoger el aire caliente? Será un escándalo sin la tapa del motor... Edito: lleva una tapa de metacrilato Y las spikeline negras, para mí eso es un sacrilegio aunque debe disimular muy bién el polvo de las pastillas de freno
Para comprobar si es el escape lo tienes bastante fácil: en punto muerto que alguien te lo revolucione (sin pasarse) y con una madera aprietas contra el tubo (para no quemarte, sin apretar mucho). Si deja de hacer ruido seguramente es el tubo. Luego ya toca tumbarse debajo del coche y con la linterna examinar los soportes. Hay una serie de recomendaciones sobre ruidos en la parte trasera, lo mejor es observar y tener cuidado con las partes moviles. También pueden ser los tubos del aire acondicionado si se ha perdido una de las guias o abrazaderas de goma, que vibran. Saludos
negativo Rock, era coupé rojo + plata
No lo había visto nunca que se especificara la marca, pero ya se había hablado de esto en el foro: http://www.forosmart.com/showthread.php?t=868
Puede ser otra, seguro que te sale la marca en la ficha técnica del coche?
Me alegro (y la próxima no te la juegues que puede salir mucho más cara la reparación!)
Esta tarde me he cruzado con un roadster coupé como el de enric74, pero conducido por una señora. Ya empezaba a pensar que se habían escondido los roadys en TGN! Saludos
Aclarado, gracias
Pero sin llegar a gotear no? Porque cuando buscaba lo del ruido del escape lo ví así manchado como en la foto...
Esos ruidos podrian ser los tacos del motor (silentblocks) Cuantos km llevas?
Es normal que esté esa zona marcada de aceite?
En el libro de mantenimiento el fabricante tendría que indicar cuando toca cambiar algunos componentes, como las correas. Otra cosa es que el que hace las revisiones se limite a filtros y aceite. No lo dejes porque puedes romper el coche si lo dejas sin bomba de agua. Los buenos mecánicos que nos leen te podrán informar mejor sobre la periodicidad de cambio de estos componentes.