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Todo el contenido de alcaniz

  1. Que yo sepa no necesita, he cambiado la batería del coche y no me lo ha pedido
  2. Lo voy a tener que dejar para otra ocasión, al final me han adelantado dos exámenes y me coinciden el 28. No queda otra opción más que encerrarme a estudiar
  3. Siento resucitar el tema pero tengo una duda, hasta que revisión te lo resetea, la A o la B? o es capar de detectar automáticamente la siguiente?
  4. Me contesto yo solo jajaj http://www.forosmart.com/showthread.php?t=5444&highlight=revision+forfour
  5. Adonai, tienes el procedimiento para el forfour?
  6. alcaniz

    Letras Smart

    A mi me quitaron el logo del frontal y me lo cubrió el seguro
  7. Yo de momento me apunto sin problemas!
  8. Yo el 3 tengo un bautizo, el 10 sin problemas
  9. Felicidades y que siga dando guerra jajja! El mío tiene que cumplir 8 en noviembre
  10. Que pasa shurmanos!!! Viva FC jajaja
  11. Si aún no se la he puesto! quieres fotos de la calandra original con hojas? jajajajajja
  12. Además en el forfour dependiendo del cable ni siquiera hacía falta el fusible creo recordar.
  13. alcaniz

    Grupo Waze

    Una buena idea compañero!
  14. Muy guapo! Yo voy a ver si le pongo la calandra brabus que además con la de serie se me cuelan las hojas de los árboles
  15. Lo único que se me ocurre es con una salida AUX para conectar cualquier mp3, móvil, etc.
  16. El volante tiene líneas parecidas a los de los últimos modelos de mercedes
  17. De nada gente! Los del foro inglés del forfour se lo curran bastante bien la verdad.
  18. jorgeco todo solucionado! Un saludo! http://forosmart.com/showthread.php?p=316535#post316535
  19. Aquí os dejo un tuyo sobre como desmontar los plafones del forfour. Antes de nada decir que el tuto no es mío es curro de un forero de forfour.co.uk así los agradecimientos son para él (usuario Problemchild) (os lo dejo en inglés). Un saludo! Lets start with the easy one - the REAR one ! Remove the unit from the headlining using a screwdriver. Insert the screwdriver between the unit and headlining and prise it out from the rear first, releasing the 2 sprung clips. (HINT - look at the picture below to see where the sprung clips are) Then disconnect the electrical connector from the unit by pressing the white release clip and pulling the connector. You now have to release the lens cover from the unit by applying a little bit of pressure to the clip shown here... There is also a clip on the other side of the unit but this should just come lose when the other is released. You will then have the unit in 2 parts and the bulb can now be seen The bulb is a festoon and is 36mm long. Replace the bulb if it's not working with either the same type, or substitute it with a brighter LED one, and put the unit back together in the reverse order. Everything will just clip back into place. Now its time to try the FRONT one !! Using a screwdriver, carefully release the light unit from the surround. Prise it out from the side furthest from the windscreen first, releasing the large sprung clip. (HINT - look at the pictures below to see where the large sprung clips is) Again, disconnect the electrical connector by pressing the white release clip and pulling the connector free. (NOTE - at this point, it set my alarm off !! Not sure why !) Now you need to release the lens part of the unit from the other half. This is a bit more difficult than on the REAR as there are 5 clips that need to be released. The first 2 are at each end of the unit and can just be un-clipped using your fingers. The next clip requires a screwdriver. A small, bendy piece of plastic needs to be pushed in towards the centre of the unit to release it. The next 2 are on the other side from the last one and require similar actions, however, I found it easier to use a second screwdriver to lever the 2 halves apart gently as I pushed the clips in. This allows us to access to the bulb which looks to be a 433b (12 volts, 10 watts) BA9 halogen style bulb. There is only 1 bulb and the light is 'directed' out of the different sections of the light unit by the rotating sheild that can be seen in the other half of the unit - I have tried to show that on this picture...... Replace the bulb and put the unit back together in the reverse order. Everything will just clip back into place. There doesn't appear to be an LED replacement for this, probably because LED's are too directional to be used in this application where the light is directed by the rotating shield. One could possibly increase the light output of the standard bulb by sticking silver foil or silver tape to the inside faces/panels of the rotating shield rather than trying to paint them silver. Enjoy playing and don't be scared !!
  20. Sólo lleva una bombilla! Mira aquí lo explican http://www.forfour.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=25.0 en inglés y se ve bastante bien (te tienes que registrar) Si no lo consigues ver te lo intento subir aquí en fotos
  21. Hay dos, uno Leganés y otro en Alcorcón
  22. Sí es así prefiero el mio sin dudarlo!
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