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Ah- ok. I mounted the MDC- Gauge in my roadster for see the speed- my 32cm steering wheel blocked my vision to speedometer, i only see 0 - 30 km/h and > 180 km/h. My actually tuning "Sportec" (suisse) make up to 1,35 - 1,38 bar pressuere, no more. F2 we call "42"
please tell me: What mean "F2"? What mean "MR.DOT"?
Compra conjunta válvulas de recirculación
topic ha respondido a Micha en bicho Comprar Smart de Particulares
No more response? In Germany this time are > 90 orders for Kit 2... -
In Germany we have some drivers, who check the pressuere with an hose- work- gauge. Some chip- tunings will pressure from 2000 U/min with 1.8 or 1.9 Bar, everytime nearly the engines emergency operation. It make very speed, but it's no good for the engine. You can only see it in gauge when it a special one, in serious gauge (boost/temp) you see allways max. 1,5 Bar... In my first roadster i drive some of this files, i make 115 hp and max. 1,5 Bar pressure. (I think it so) Now users check the pressuere of some files and see, the pressuere is over 1,5 Bar- but we see 1,5 Bar. Maybe some sensors (or gauges) make over 1,5 Bar, but is it real? Do you change the sensor/ Gauge and verified the pressuere? It is possibility that go- but that is my experience, incorrect
My last Prices: One alone: 285,00 Euro + sending From 7 Stück 265,00 Euro + sending From 14 Stück 260,00 Euro incl. sending (in Germany) From 21 Stück 250,00 Euro incl. sending (in Germany) The Oil- dump is includet a magnetic dump- screw and 4 O- Rings for next oil- changes. I think sending to spain will be cost 20 Euro/ pc or 45 Euro for 7 or 8 parts (one piece will weight 4 Kg, german DHL (carrier) will max. 31,5 kg sending. The prices are includet german VAT.
I mean the way to check the pressuere. In Roadster and ForTwo are the same sensor mounted- the sensor is the problem (max. 1,5 Bar)
Correct way, the only correct way. No Problem, my translator will translate it in a readable term.
This is the original Brabus- intercooler. The counter-cooling is sitting under the car, original too. Other pictures are not aviable, only a link to the english information site: http://www.fq101.co.uk/how-to-guides/roadster/engine/262-removing-the-chargecooler-fan.html i think the place for the counter- cooler is this here (In picture is a oilcooler mounted)
Hello! Check the válvula de recirculación, sometime this part is out of function.
Me too... Have someone testet one of the e-bay parts? Work this with our engine?
Sure, if rock's ahed better drive carefully. 70 Euro... This part comes from other side of the world, alone sending will be cost it. It is not a "low cost" part, it is very expensive, it will be cost > 300 Euro (incl. german tax) and shipping. Oil filling: 4 Liters (max. 4,3 Liters)
How do you measure the boost pressure? Here someone has found that the sensor in the intake manifold can not measure more than 1.5 bar, for more is not designed. So also the additional instrument or software no longer display.
You sure that is an "Brabus" intercooler? I think this is a covered normal Air- Intercooler. verify the pictueres: Original But- maybe this is a nice "low- cost- solution". Work this intercooler very well? And- the cooler should forward, in front of the Enginecooler. If you alright mounted a aircondition there is maybe too little space. Please show other pictures from the intercooler.
Pictures about this
Need cooler Oil? Mounted last week:
Gnzovéa chrqb whtne ...
I phoned with someone who write "special files". The "special file" in combination whith the brabus inyectors help only for better inside cooling in "high power case"- see my last post. The injection quantity is adjusted in speeds over the Lesser "Lambda control" on the injection of the 82 hp jet from the engine control unit A higher power is not expected.
I'm still waiting for answer from german user about this question ("special chip tuning). A older Statement from someone who drives often on GP- courses about the 74kW inyectors: other pressure regulator or larger nozzles installed one WITHOUT performance graph adapt that's stupid. Otherwise, there sehrwohl a good reason 74KW jet to go on, but only in conjunction with a software adjustment. I am not talking about the SW, CS (some chiptuners in Germany) or how they all the hot files. The problem with the 60KW nozzle is simply that things run almost 100%. But you should only utilize jets to 80%. The needle starts to vibrate, the spray pattern is inaccurate, etc. ... The you realize maybe not while driving, but the mixture is thus irregular. If we take the 74KW nozzle can easily limit abide by them. In addition, an unwillingness to time some more. For the higher speeds so are (among others) the nozzle of the bottle neck. ...
Compra conjunta válvulas de recirculación
topic ha respondido a Micha en bicho Comprar Smart de Particulares
This is what i mean. In action are very much more pressure inside the cylinder. @otes3000 Never mind-I do not also knows everything. 451 has a other solution for this- a other valve... -
Compra conjunta válvulas de recirculación
topic ha respondido a Micha en bicho Comprar Smart de Particulares
I'm still waiting for answer about the CDI. Is in your car a valve mounted? Maybe you see it? -
Compra conjunta válvulas de recirculación
topic ha respondido a Micha en bicho Comprar Smart de Particulares
The ForTwo CDI 451 cant use it, i see pictures about this. For 450 CDI i ask in german forum. If answer comes in i will post it here. -
I ihink the dark blue inyectors can save for "high temperature burning" in hig rotation case- it give more gasoline, and this is better for "inside cooling" the engine. It will take a little bit mor gas/100 Km, but some people will take stih.
Compra conjunta válvulas de recirculación
topic ha respondido a Micha en bicho Comprar Smart de Particulares
I mean the metal valve, this thread is for the collective order (válvulas de recirculación). To change this is the first and cheapest step. If the problem this place you dont give a lot of money for check a other step. But: you must look for the problem, in case the "válvulas de recirculación" is not the problem you must find out the really problem quickley- better find as engine dead... -
First (for better understand): light blue inyectors = 45 kW / 61 hp organe inyectors = 60 kW / 82 hp dark blue inyectors = 74 kW / 101 hp (Brabus) If the dark blue's (101 hp) inyectors mounting on a original 82 hp engine it will take normally more fuel in case of "full throttle", but it create no more power. In case of low throttle the "lambda control" will check the gasoline flow and inyect teh same gas as the orange inyector. If you "tune up" the 82 hp engine to 115 hp (or similar) in case of "low throttle" it is no different- but in case of "full throttle" and high revolutions of the motor it is possible the enging are to much air and to low gas- it work to hot (no lambda control). The orange inyectors in this case are > 85 % busy and has little reserves. If you "tune up" the 82 hp engine to 115 hp (or similar) and mounting the dark blue inyectors: In case of "low throttle" it is no very different- and in case of "full throttle" and high revolutions of the motor the dark blues has reserves ,the enging takes a better mixing ratio (Air/ Gas) and a better cooling inside. No big lot of better, but it is better) The best: a special "chip tune" up wat is specially write for the dark blue inyectors. Some of the "special Idividualist's" in germany use a "flasher" to change the software before drive on "Nuerburgring" or other GP- Tracks and after race the engine will downsize for driving on official streets. Some of this mounted the dark blue inyectors and a special file. In germany it is out of law to mount the dark blue to a 82 hp engine. Chiptuning is possible in case of registration in the vehicle documents (Report)