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RE: Repro your information.
Good morning!
You mean the "chip- tuning" on the engine control unit?
If yes:
I buy this in 2005 at "Sportec" (a suisse tuner), i meet the tuner at "Salzburgring" in Austria, there was a big meeting after "SmartTimes".
I pay 700 Euros, includet was
The report and the acceptance by the TÜV (must be made in Germany by law)
Warranty up to 50.000 Km or 2 years
a speciel socket inside (it can not remove by software update from smart- dealer)
This tuning is no longer aviable, to less people do this.
It is possible to take other files from same Tuners, in case of interest i ask someone.
Some of the files generate >110 hp and around 165 Nm, in this case the best to mount a better cluch, the serious cluch will silp after some thousand kilometers.
Files in Germany will cost up from 200 Euro.
It is possible to send the engin control unit by carrier for programming.
Was this the meaning of your question?
nice times