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Cambiar Injectores.


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What pressure was times before?

Now you have more pressure and no more power as before?

Brabus injectors dont create more power in normal condition, the the helpful moment of the injectors is in times as "full throttle" more gas comes inside cylinders and make a better cooling and a engine- saver running (cooling exhaust- and entrance valve)

In case of new mounting parts:

Perhaps not yet, the control unit to the power increase, it need 3 or 4 "new start times" of the computer inside car.

For this the engine must have temperatures over 80°C, then shut down (light inside speedometer off), start new, drive a little, then next "shut down" ect...

After 4 Times the control unit will use new parameters.

A other simple solution to reset the control unit to better performance (after often "low speed drives":

1. Engine off (wait for shut down)

2. Ignition on (NO ENGINE ON!)

3. Kickdown (full throttle) and hold it for next step's

4. 5 - 10 Seconds wait

5. Igniton off

6. Less Throttle

7. Wait for "shut down"

8. Start Engine and drive.


I didn't know this trick to actualize new parameters. Very good!

How is do you know this Micha?? I've never heard it.

I know our smart cars make this procedure and ,by example, after charge other engine map in the ECU, you actually feel the best performance after days...

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El 1er procedimiento no se qué hace, el segundo ajusta la mariposa.


"adjusta la mariposa" will work if you turn on Ignition (no start engine) and wait a minute.

Listen- "sssssssss..ccchhhrrr...ssss."- "adjust the throttle"

This will only reset throttle.

I didn't know this trick to actualize new parameters. Very good!

How is do you know this Micha?? I've never heard it.

I know our smart cars make this procedure and ,by example, after charge other engine map in the ECU, you actually feel the best performance after days...


In germany some freaks, all of them will check out something.

Our member "Sacki" talk us this trick about 2 years ago.

There are many tricks around the roadster in germany- maybe it interest to learn speake german for your car...


This "special reset" will reset many informations in the engine control unit of the "BIOS" version without learnings.

gear shift, fuel injection, throttle and maybe some others.

We cant say what all- but we can say: "It's a nice way."

Editado por Micha
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But you drive a Smart, correct?

Yes, Roadster 82.

If you have no catalyst you dont have regulation by lambda.

In this case discussion irrelevant, i mean only smart engine control and not selfmade system.

¿Would it work better by placing the original exhaust?.

I purchased with the modifications made by the previous owner.

I hate Googletranslator

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You hate google?

Use ajax, mabe this is a better one.

An exhaust with no lambda?


No wonder the exhaust burning, maybe nice sound but no real power.

How much gasoline your roadster need for 100 Km?

I dont see any exhaust who is better as the original version.

As no time.

Some exhaust's make more Sound - but only more power in mind.

If it possible for me to mount a Brabus- Exhaust- i dont do it.

For me nothing better as the original.

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Maniac ¿supongo que no has encontrado nadie que te haga una buena repro para los inyectores 101?

La que llevas seguro que es de inyectores 82 y no funciona como deberia. La de Pulsador parece que tampoco chuta bien a pesar de soplar a 1.5 Bar.

Yo tengo el turbo y los inyectores 101 preparados para montar pero lo que me da mas miedo es no encontrar una repro que funcione 100% bien y andar tirando gasolina o entrando en safe cada dos por tres. No quiero extraer hasta el ultimo cv....me conformo con un poco menos pero que no de "problemillas"

¿El anterior dueño no te dijo donde habia hecho la repro para esos inyectores y si le funcionaba bien?

Seguro que Micha se esta partiendo el culo jeje......el tiene 100cv con solo 1,35 Bar y aqui los españolitos sin repros pata negra para los inyectores gordos.

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Translating with ajax:

Yes, I hate googletranslator that forces me to choose expressions that might not express what I mean.:glare:

Escape is the original without catalyst.

My car consumes 5.9 liters per 100 kmt, sporty driving but not as a madman.:001_smile:

The problem of making modifications to the car is that changing one piece, we would have to upload it to a machine to print the curve of horses.

¿What would you recommend to anyone who would gain power at low rpm?

I appreciate your answers.:thumbup1:

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Maniac ¿supongo que no has encontrado nadie que te haga una buena repro para los inyectores 101?

La que llevas seguro que es de inyectores 82 y no funciona como deberia. La de Pulsador parece que tampoco chuta bien a pesar de soplar a 1.5 Bar.

Yo tengo el turbo y los inyectores 101 preparados para montar pero lo que me da mas miedo es no encontrar una repro que funcione 100% bien y andar tirando gasolina o entrando en safe cada dos por tres. No quiero extraer hasta el ultimo cv....me conformo con un poco menos pero que no de "problemillas"

¿El anterior dueño no te dijo donde habia hecho la repro para esos inyectores y si le funcionaba bien?

Seguro que Micha se esta partiendo el culo jeje......el tiene 100cv con solo 1,35 Bar y aqui los españolitos sin repros pata negra para los inyectores gordos.

Se quien se la hizo, me lo contó Deangelis, pero me cae lejiiiisimos.

Mi problema es que cada vez que busco lo que debería hacerle al coche para conseguir más par , voy descubriendo que lo que tengo montado no es lo correcto y eso me desconcierta.

Me encantaría disponer de banco de potencia para ir probando estas cosas una a una, pero se que aun así, el coche no cumpliría con lo que saliera en esa maquina.

Estoy cansado de ver a gente que se deja fortunas preparando motos y cuando acaban de ponerla a punto en banco , al ir al circuito, la moto no responde como se esperaba.

Se que no es nada fácil preparar un motor para un uso tan polivalente como el de un coche. De repente estas a nivel del mar como a 3000 metros, tanto llueve como hace un calor del demonio, etc...

Tendré que buscarme una recta cerca de casa donde cronometrar y poder probar si una modificación funciona o no.

Después ya veremos que repro le conviene más.

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What pressure was times before?

Now you have more pressure and no more power as before?

Brabus injectors dont create more power in normal condition, the the helpful moment of the injectors is in times as "full throttle" more gas comes inside cylinders and make a better cooling and a engine- saver running (cooling exhaust- and entrance valve)

In case of new mounting parts:

Perhaps not yet, the control unit to the power increase, it need 3 or 4 "new start times" of the computer inside car.

For this the engine must have temperatures over 80°C, then shut down (light inside speedometer off), start new, drive a little, then next "shut down" ect...

After 4 Times the control unit will use new parameters.

A other simple solution to reset the control unit to better performance (after often "low speed drives":

1. Engine off (wait for shut down)

2. Ignition on (NO ENGINE ON!)

3. Kickdown (full throttle) and hold it for next step's

4. 5 - 10 Seconds wait

5. Igniton off

6. Less Throttle

7. Wait for "shut down"

8. Start Engine and drive.


I'll try that! thanks!

the remaps with brabus injectors and turbo 82 offers the same power that the stock car with no mods...I though that only with the new 82 turbo the power will increase a little but not. We are trying differents remaps..

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Translating with ajax:

Yes, I hate googletranslator that forces me to choose expressions that might not express what I mean.:glare:

Escape is the original without catalyst.

My car consumes 5.9 liters per 100 kmt, sporty driving but not as a madman.:001_smile:

The problem of making modifications to the car is that changing one piece, we would have to upload it to a machine to print the curve of horses.

¿What would you recommend to anyone who would gain power at low rpm?

I appreciate your answers.:thumbup1:

In case of low rpm i think nobody will win, in case of low rpm (in case of catalyst) lambda will correct the gas flow to best lambda.

(in case of the same software file)

In case of max rpm lambda out of function, in this case its possible the brabus inyector will make more power, this one have more reserves. Sure is this: the brabus inyector make in case of high rpm better inside cooling- but this will cost gas...

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Micha you could send a good remap for 101 inyectors?

Maniac me pilla a mi mas cerca el reprogramador de tu coche que a ti?

Sorry, I'm no owner of a "Star Diagnostics" or simlar unit's.

Electronic programming is not my way.

Better remap in Spain, in case fo less the remap you have shorter way's.

I can offer hardware if you want, Inyectors or other, but no software.

In this case please MP.

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