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metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
@PabloM Bueno, yo no entienden el español ... -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
Es bueno tener a reír, la risa lleva a la gente para estar saludable, si tiene el programa de traducción es el culpable ... Ok, thank you for information. "Jela" will build the collective order, i make a copy and write it here. -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
Hola, estoy de nuevo. Alemán Foros tiempos exigen Después son en si el interés de la válvula está en que tenemos la experiencia de resonancia muy positivas. Pero en la investigación preliminar al orden global que ya tenemos 40 válvulas (con piezas de tubo y abrazaderas de manguera) como pre-orden. Hat usted está aquí con más reflexiones sobre el hecho ya una? ¿Voy a ofrecer aquí también el set? Tal vez, algunos de ustedes tomar el relevo de la solución en España? Los precios serán similares a las ya descritas anteriormente, o alrededor de € 7.20, la válvula, más mangueras y abrazaderas máx. 10-11 €. Como alternativa podemos enviar solamente las válvulas, una cuestión de envío ... saludos Micha -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
Mi sugerencia seguiría siendo uno de ustedes tiene el nombramiento como distribuidor, y el que lleva a cabo en Alemania envía ómnibus para las válvulas a la dirección del distribuidor en España. Entonces todo el mundo puede ser dueño de pensar, que la manguera gustaría volver a hacerlo y lo que no. la manguera de la válvula de mariposa, yo misma me he renovado, la manguera de edad fue un desgarro de 2 cm. El precio de las válvulas es de 7,20 a € (para una resolución de 20 piezas) INCL. Envios a España y entrega a una dirección. En un orden más grande es aun más favorable. Espero que ahora todas las traducciones han entendido mi asegurados, al menos algunos parecen saber exactamente lo que está en juego. No puedo mejor español que el programa de traducción aquí. ¿Quién es esta persona que, con los pedidos a granel familiar? Nosotros en Alemania se encuentran en casi todos los meses una orden de ómnibus, a veces las bujías, a continuación, las válvulas de aquí de vez en cuando Brabus-inyectores (KW 74), spoiler delantero, el cable de tierra, etc .. Si usted consigue que, en España no (o sólo se puede comprar caro) pide nuestro número a veces. Me puedes encontrar aquí: -->Michael -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
Soplando en es la única manera de determinar si la válvula tiene una fuga o no. Si uno no siente resistencia, la válvula está defectuosa (aunque un poco de aire a través de él) Es por esta conversión no es la manguera, sólo llega a la válvula, el problema es no es un mal Prefomance, el problema es la presión del aceite en el motor de lo que sobre el TIK es aspirado por el. Este aceite entonces causa pérdidas masivas de petróleo y carbonizados válvulas de escape a las consecuencias apropiadas. Spark- Plug válvula de escape La cabeza del cilindro La pérdida de presión antes de la válvula no es el problema, la manguera es rápido y conveniente sustituirlo por uno mejor. -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
@ ZuL Nice Idea, but not the oil is the problem, the pressure air (from Turbo) in case of "full power" is the problem (air intake over 0,0 Bar) Pressured air comes inside the engin via the damaged valve, pump up the engine, pump more oil inside the "full power exhaust", and into the "TIK" in front of the turbo- the fate go his way... This is the problem what we want to stop with this valve. Oil dump parts in germany will be mounted at the "full power exhaust" ForTwo mounted catch tank: http://www.netsnoop.de/bilder/oelabscheider.jpg In Germany this way is not legally... -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
Blow inside the original part- if you can blow it is damaged, if you can not blow it is ok. In Germany over 80% of the checked valves damaged. Effect: Oil on back side of roadster Oil fog and drops inside Turbo and inake air side (butterfly valve) (look 3 first pictures in this album - I clean up the air intake way of my roadster) http://www.pixum.de/viewalbum/id/2157309 Lost engine oil on misterious way Push out oil-check-pin and put out oil over this way (In germany some times in winter, case of freeze temperatures (Full Power exhaust freeze by condensation water) -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
The tube is nit the problem, the valve makes it... -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
Sorry, but the last 3 translations give no correct meaning, it very silly... -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
The valve alone is cheaper than 8 Euros. I will ask the Organisator about the price without clamps and hose. -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
Translator: http://ajaxtrans.com/ Work nice... funciona bastante bien... Or complete? check this -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
Espero que tradujera épocas una el usuario aquí. Mi inglés es a menudo de un programa de la traducción, mi español siempre… -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
Hello bicho! My roadster has aircondition too. To change the valve is very easy, you need a screwdriver and a knife. This is the original part. Cut the already mounted old part like the picture: You need from old part this two pieces: (Part no. 1 is already mounted, you don't must it take off from car! In some cases part no 2 must removed, in some cases you dont remove it. If you remove it you must have a new hose clamp- look next step!) Separate this from old valve: (In most cases the hose does not have to be taken off from the butterfly valve) Install the new valve, respect on the passage direction! The valve may not have a passage toward crankshaft housings! Use the new hose: Air flow: Already mounted: That's all. In time i write this i can change 10 pc. of this... And now again what i mean about the price: One of this part- set will be cost 10 or max. 11 Euro- includet a new hose (10 cm) for connect new valve and old hose (no. 1, go behind air condition compressor) and 3 hose clamps. This is calculated by up to 50 sets. In germany we payd 12 Euro includet sending. Sending to Spain will be cost 16 Euro, it is insured sending. If you take 1 pc. or 50 pc.- the sending will be cost 16 Euro. Stupid- but this are the price from german carrier. For this reason I have suggested it one the user undertake here to collect the money and to dispatch the parts afterwards within Spain. So can you the expensive dispatch starting from Germany among the orderers divide. This solution can mounted in Roadster and ForTwo (--> 2007) !! I think the CDI has the same valve inside. -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
And a translated term (technical data from factory) This thousandfold worked check valve is suitable for the area of application of all commercial fuels, vegetable oil, fuel oil, mineral oil, hydraulic oils of the groups of H, H-L and H-LP, fats, propane and Butangas, as well as for water and compressed air. It serves among other things for the controlling of the direction of flow in fuel cycles and finds with vegetable oil changes, like also within the naval range largest popularity, there the differential pressure only approx. 0.2 bar amounts to i.e. it opens at 0,2 bar positive pressure. A return flow is prevented so surely. And now again Micha original: It's possible to open this valve for cleaning! @vistabilbao Thank you. -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
This is a replacement for thr original part. We use a part of the original construction, the original tube will cut as one point, then a new hose will be over the old part and fixed. (In case of order i make pictures for you, mounting this valve is very easy and complete in 5 Minutes.) The complete price in germany is 12 Euro includet sending, i think sending to spain for 20 or 30 pc. will be cost 16 Euro. I think in this special case (sending to spain) one of this parts will be cost 10 Euro + proportionately dispatch (example: 10 pc- proportionately dispatch is 1,60 Euro, 20 pc- proportionately dispatch is 0,80 Euro... Sending to one of you- he make the collective Order and finish with sending in spain to the owners. One part = 1 Valve, a short hose (ca. 10 cm) and 2 or 3 hose clamps for perfect fitting. (Again: Sorry for my horrible english) -
metal de la válvula de la parte-carga
topic ha respondido a Micha en Micha Comprar Smart de Particulares
Maybe a picture help: -
Maybe some people talk english- ma spanish is to horrible (but my ennglish too) In german smart-roadster-club.de we build this time a bnew "collective- order" about the metal de la válvula de la parte-carga. More then 300 roadsters mounted this valve and all are very content thereby. Maybe some users in spain will make a collective order to spain? You can save money for sending in case of collective order. If their interest have had one of you the whole here to then take over, the collective order, the funds collecting, that to transfer and then the dispatch within Spain. You find me in the german community under "Kurvenfan", i am one of the moderators. If someone here who talk english- please translate it to spain. Thank you! Micha
Hello all! I use this woofer: Link to e-Bay Make more and enough bass, take no big place. Micha
It's not possible. Inthe manufactur will be take different "Tridion" about the back side, transform a Roadster to a Coupe is a "no go".
If you can read german language look on this side: http://homepage.mac.com/kaisackmann/roadster/ Click "JHWUS Infosammlung" (Now we help ourself- Informations) In your case you need this side In a lot of cases translate the headline and the pictures will help you a little... The "JHWUS" is a collection of tip and cheats, arranged sorted by German drivers, and hostet from Kai (Sacki).
Hi! In August 2008 the Smart- family will meet in Zell am See, Austria. Come anybody from Spain to visit? One Day befor starting Smart- Times some "F2 and roadster" will before meet at the "Salzburg ring", in order to spend the day on the Salzburg ring. Pic's Salzburgring In 2006 + 2007 aother Cars (Super7 and some others) drive in a separate group, 2008 are only Smart cars on Track. The aligners are CS- Tuning and AMW-Tuningcorner. Myself will be representet both Events. At Salzburgring the exhibitor CS- Tuning will make a "Event- offer" for Chip- Tuning. Form for announcing Form for announcing for "Smart Times" see the page from Smart.at Hope to see anybody... Like always: I hope you understand my horrible english...
Quiero tunear mi smart roadster coupé brabus
topic ha respondido a Micha en MCC-SRCB Smart Roadster (452)
CS - Tuning in Alzenau, Germany. In this summer, one day before "SMART- TIMES" in Zell am See in Austria we stay at "Salzburgring" , 100 Km away from the "SMART- TIMES" place and we drive at a closed circuit- just for Fun and only Smart- Car's. If you want i talk with CS- Tuning for a special Price... If you (and maybe other) want... -
The CAN- Data come over the connecting with the speedometer to the cruise control. The cruise control swich of in case that no CAB- Datas come in. Its a safety part of this.
SRC, 4/2004, 60 KW/82 PS (cv), 63000 Km, no problems. (Up from 28.000 with 72 KW/ 100 PS (cv)
La Coruña... Yes, i remember. Nice to see you again. Are the parts your conceptions accordingly? Greeting from cold Germany...