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metal de la válvula de la parte-carga


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Maybe some people talk english- ma spanish is to horrible (but my ennglish too)

In german smart-roadster-club.de we build this time a bnew "collective- order" about the metal de la válvula de la parte-carga.

More then 300 roadsters mounted this valve and all are very content thereby.

Maybe some users in spain will make a collective order to spain?

You can save money for sending in case of collective order.

If their interest have had one of you the whole here to then take over, the collective order, the funds collecting, that to transfer and then the dispatch within Spain.

You find me in the german community under "Kurvenfan", i am one of the moderators.

If someone here who talk english- please translate it to spain.

Thank you!


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This is a replacement for thr original part.

We use a part of the original construction, the original tube will cut as one point, then a new hose will be over the old part and fixed.

(In case of order i make pictures for you, mounting this valve is very easy and complete in 5 Minutes.)

The complete price in germany is 12 Euro includet sending, i think sending to spain for 20 or 30 pc. will be cost 16 Euro.

I think in this special case (sending to spain) one of this parts will be cost 10 Euro + proportionately dispatch (example: 10 pc- proportionately dispatch is 1,60 Euro, 20 pc- proportionately dispatch is 0,80 Euro...

Sending to one of you- he make the collective Order and finish with sending in spain to the owners.

One part = 1 Valve, a short hose (ca. 10 cm) and 2 or 3 hose clamps for perfect fitting.

(Again: Sorry for my horrible english)

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And a translated term (technical data from factory)

This thousandfold worked check valve is suitable for the area of application of all commercial fuels, vegetable oil, fuel oil, mineral oil, hydraulic oils of the groups of H, H-L and H-LP, fats, propane and Butangas, as well as for water and compressed air. It serves among other things for the controlling of the direction of flow in fuel cycles and finds with vegetable oil changes, like also within the naval range largest popularity, there the differential pressure only approx. 0.2 bar amounts to i.e. it opens at 0,2 bar positive pressure. A return flow is prevented so surely.

And now again Micha original:

It's possible to open this valve for cleaning!


Thank you.


Editado por Micha
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welcome to forosmart Micha!

I think this modification is so interesting. Several users of this forum, had broken the hose connected to this valve. (Me too)

The problem is that change this valve against new one, means a hard work because in spain all drivers(99%) have a air conditioned commpressor.

Do you have a graphic instructions (like tutorial) to assembly and mount your part??

I will purchuase this valve. Can you put an estimated cost to users to this forum per 1 piece?? (Shimpment I guess will not be much by it lower size)

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Yo la tengo en version español desde hace un mes, me busque la vida y todo sale aproximadamente por 10 €.

Los tubos no puedes cambiarlos por otros mas fuertes es mejor dejarlos con uno de silicona para que en caso de obstruccion de la valvula pueda darnos el aviso.

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Hello bicho!

My roadster has aircondition too.

To change the valve is very easy, you need a screwdriver and a knife.

This is the original part.originalg.th.jpg

Cut the already mounted old part like the picture:


You need from old part this two pieces:


(Part no. 1 is already mounted, you don't must it take off from car!

In some cases part no 2 must removed, in some cases you dont remove it. If you remove it you must have a new hose clamp- look next step!)

Separate this from old valve:


(In most cases the hose does not have to be taken off from the butterfly valve)

Install the new valve, respect on the passage direction! The valve may not have a passage toward crankshaft housings!

Use the new hose:


Air flow:


Already mounted:





That's all.

In time i write this i can change 10 pc. of this...


And now again what i mean about the price:

One of this part- set will be cost 10 or max. 11 Euro- includet a new hose (10 cm) for connect new valve and old hose (no. 1, go behind air condition compressor) and 3 hose clamps.

This is calculated by up to 50 sets.

In germany we payd 12 Euro includet sending.

Sending to Spain will be cost 16 Euro, it is insured sending.

If you take 1 pc. or 50 pc.- the sending will be cost 16 Euro.

Stupid- but this are the price from german carrier.

For this reason I have suggested it one the user undertake here to collect the money and to dispatch the parts afterwards within Spain. So can you the expensive dispatch starting from Germany among the orderers divide.

This solution can mounted in Roadster and ForTwo (--> 2007) !!

I think the CDI has the same valve inside.

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  tiroriro dijo:
bueno,y en castellano para que es dicha pieza?mi ingles es de pub solamente y muchas palabras se me pierden

Simple sustituir la valvula antiretorno por otra mas eficiente y en este caso desmontable, pero no me gusta el manguito de sustitucion que le han puesto al de silicona.

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Esta es la valvula que le voy a poner al mio sale sobre 8€ (pienso que puede salir mas barata):


Esta es la diferencia respecto a la antigua, es mas pequeña que la original


El tubo que suele romper es este y es mejor volver a poner este mismo en sustitución pues nos avisa con esta grieta.


no obstante compre el tubo de recirculación para estudiarlo mejor.


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si el tubo rompe, la válvula hace su funcion....

pero hay indicios de que la valvula se obstruye (con lo que el dichoso tubo nunca rompería).

esto es una solucion de esas de: mejor prevenir que curar.

La mejora está en que dicha adaptación permite maniobrar mejor que poner el tubo original sin descolgar el motor.

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Micha, when do you feel that the original valve doesn´t work well?

When I need to replace it?

I think the change of the original valve against yours is better because with your valve you can replace it easier.

In the next days you'll receive a new order to me....

Editado por bicho
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Yo al tubo no le veo ningún problema, el primero, que es el que trabaja con presión es el mismo que el de serie (si no me falla la vista) y el nuevo está en la zona sin presión así que es difícil que se salga.

Yo tengo ahí un decantador de aceite y ningún problema de que se salga el tubo.


Lo de la válvula está bien, el problema es que si falla no te enteras y tampoco hay forma sencilla de saber si está estropeada. Ya sabéis, ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente...

Yo igual lo que hago es buscar una roscada para acoplarla diréctamente al filtro, pero por ahora no me preocupa.

De todas formas se me antoja difícil el tema del pedido, hubiese tenido más posibilidades si se hubiese hablado antes de la concentración nacional para ahorrar gastos, pero ya no hay tiempo.

Good luck Micha ;-)

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