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Todo el contenido de claus

  1. hi, this is the first roadster worldwide that has an airride suspension
  2. hi, here are two of the promised picts at the weekend i´ll have a shooting and then you´ll get good picts
  3. claus

    hola de austria

    hi, first of all thanks for the comments i´m from smart-roadster-club.de and smart-roadster-board.ch i just drove my roady ... yippie the mounting kit of the side skirts will arrive tomorrow and then i´m done (my engine has gone ... so i had a rebuilt with tuning parts ) tomorrow i will post picts and a video
  4. claus

    hola de austria

    hopefully tonight (i have some gimmicks like airride suspension)
  5. claus

    hola de austria

    thanks i don´t speak spanish, just had latin in school (you can write in english if you want to)
  6. claus

    hola de austria

    hola, my name is claus and i recently read a post of a member of this forum then i tought to myself to register here ... here i am i´m looking foward to have fun with each other tonight i will pick up my roady and will post pics *fingers crossed*
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