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Evilution's Achievements

  1. Hi guys, I thought there would be a thread here somewhere because I received so many emails from Spanish smart owners. Thanks so much for the support, the first thing I would like to say is that the site will always stay, I won't take it away so you don't need to make copies. If you have any information, modifications or fixes to add, take some good pictures and make some notes and send them to me. I will add them to the site. If you want to translate any of the pages info Spanish, send me the translation, let me know what page it is, where the pictures would be in the text, what language it is and what search words would be used to find that page. I will add these to the Evilution website when I can and non English speaking viewers will be able to benefit from the site too. The reason for me stopping from doing the site is problems in my life. Mainly women. I had to sell the house that had the garage so have no where to do things to my car. I also had to sell my 450. I also don't really like the 451 so will be selling that too. Not having a smart will make it very hard for e to do new stuff to the site. That is why I am now relying on you to give me stuff to use and to help me add translations to the site. Thanks again and good luck with your smarts.
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